What are the Top Ground Blinds for Turkey Hunting?

One of the best leisure activities to engage in especially during the spring season is turkey hunting. Turkey hunting is a very enjoyable and intriguing activity, especially if you have all the required equipment for it.

To have a successful turkey hunt, you must ensure that you are prepared with the best paraphernalia. So you have the perfect turkey hunting knife, and the best turkey hunting chair, but most importantly, do you have the best turkey hunting blind?

Having the perfect turkey hunting blind is very important. Can you imagine going out for turkey hunting, only for the turkey to emerge hours later and stare right at your face before taking off?

The whole essence of hunting is being able to remain perfectly hidden from your prey so as to successfully take them down. This scenario would therefore be very disadvantageous since it guarantees an unsuccessful hunt.

It is for this reason that various companies have specialized in manufacturing hunting blinds. The purpose of a hunting blind is to keep you safely hidden from your prey while hunting so as to enable you to successfully capture it.

In this article, I will be reviewing the various hunting blinds, with the aim of helping you choose the best for turkey hunting.

1. Barronett Radar Ground Blind.

If you are looking for high quality and very effective hunting blind, then this is definitely the best choice for you. The Barronett Radar is made of very strongly woven fabric that is effective in as far as durability is concerned.

It is easy to use hunting blind, and it provides the hunter with a wide enough space that can accommodate even bow hunting. Another major plus in as far this hunting blind is concerned is the fact that it is large enough to comfortably accommodate two hunters.

Do you want a hunting blind that can withstand any type of weather? Then this is definitely it. The Barronett is waterproof, therefore very convenient to use even when it rains. 

It has large windows that are unobstructed, which ensure that as the hunter, you have a nice clear view of your surroundings as well as smaller windows on the rear, that allow you to peek and see what is happening behind you.


  • It is lightweight, hence easy to carry from one location to another.
  • It is durable.
  • It has good quality.
  • This hunting blind is easy to set up.


  • The door may be not be convenient for plus size hunters.

2. Ghost Blind 4 Panel Predator Blind.

In as far as creativity is concerned, then this hunting blind definitely takes the prize. The whole design concept of the Ghost blind is a mirror like exterior that reflects the vegetation around you hence ensuring that you are very well camouflaged.

The reflective mirrors on it’s exterior are made of plastic, therefore you do not have to worry about it breaking soon after the purchase. It consists of some shooting spaces that make it easy for you to place your rifle when aiming at the prey.

Hunting can be a very tedious venture since it will have you standing up for hours. However, this hunting blind gives the hunter a chance to sit while hunting, which is really convenient. It is also light in weight therefore making it easily portable.


  • It is light, hence easily portable.
  • The fact that you can hunt when seated is highly advantageous.


  • It is really expensive.
  • Is not suitable for tall hunters since it is too small.
  • The hunting blind is really difficult to set up.

3. Barronett Blinds Big Cat Pop up Blind.

The first noticeable feature of the Big Cat hunting blind is the fact that it is really large hunting blind. This makes it really convenient especially for the tall hunters. The fact that it is large makes it really spacious, hence you are able to move around freely and even stand when hunting.

It is made of unique material that is of good quality and it has fibreglass poles that ensure its durability. When hunting, it is paramount that you have enough room to look around your surroundings while on the lookout for your prey.

This hunting blind ensures this by providing you with large windows that are unobstructed, similar to the Barronett Radar and this is probably because both hunting blinds are manufactured by the same company.

However, the Big Cat is so much larger with an exterior that has a 3D illusion of vegetation with the aim of ensuring camouflage.


  • Very convenient for the tall hunters.
  • Has good quality.
  • It is durable.


  • It is too big to hide, hence inconvenient for turkey hunting.
  • It has tent pegs that are inadequate, making the blind not so sturdy.
  • Inconvenient when it rains since water tends to drip inside the blind.

4. Ameristep 4 Spur Blind.

With this hunting blind, you are required to tie it around branches or rather vegetation, so that you can have it in place. It comes with four tie-downs as well as stakes that enable you to secure it during the trying.

After this is done, you are assured of a comfortable and easy hunting experience. This is because it gives you so much room to move around since it basically entails the hunter hiding behind it. Apart from this, it is a really cheap hunting blind, hence very affordable.

The Ameristep 4 Spur aims at giving the hunter a very relaxing and comfortable experience, by giving you a chance to comfortably sit as you wait for your prey. It is really light in weight and therefore it is not difficult to carry around.


  • It is light, hence portable.
  • It is cheap.


  • Very difficult and cumbersome to set up.
  • Not high enough to hide the hunter, and hence you are forced to sit on the ground.

5. Ameristep Tent Chair.

The Ameristep Tent Chair is a good quality hunting blind that comes with a carrying case that has a shoulder strap, making it easy for you to carry the blind from place to place. The fact that is light in weight also helps in as far as portability is concerned.

It is a hunting blind that is not complicated since it is really easy to quickly set up and take down once you are done. The highlight of this hunting blind is the fact that it comes with its own hunting chair.

This can be very convenient since, at an affordable price, you are able to get both a hunting blind and a hunting chair all at once. It is made of fabric that is able to preserve heat inside the blind, which is an upside for the days when the weather is really cold.


  • It is quick and very easy to set up.
  • It is light hence easy to transport.
  • Preserves heat, hence is able to keep you warm when cold.


  • It has a very noisy fabric, which will most likely scare the prey away.
  • Not enough room to properly use your hunting weapon.
  • It may get too hot especially on sunny days.
  • The hunting chair is very uncomfortable.

What are the factors you should consider when looking for the best turkey hunting blind?

There are numerous factors to be considered when looking for the perfect turkey hunting blind. It is fundamental that you adhere to these factors when shopping for the perfect turkey hunting blind, so as to ensure that you indeed settle for the best one.

Are you comfortable in it?

This is the very first question that you should ask yourself since when it comes to hunting, just like any other activity, your comfort is paramount. You need to be comfortable for you to take part in a successful hunt.

It would be impossible to capture your prey when uncomfortable since lack of comfort tends to rob you of the required attentiveness and concentration that is needed during hunting. How then can you tell whether or not the hunting blind will be comfortable for you?

You simply know this by looking at the size of the hunting blind. Ensure that you assess the size of the blind to be sure that it will comfortably accommodate your height and weight. 

Failure to do this leads to unfortunate situations where some hunters find it hard to fit in the blind’s door and so on. When it comes to height, then this is largely dependent on your hunting style.

If you like hunting when standing, then you have to ensure that the hunting blind you choose is able to comfortably accommodate your height hence giving you the required easy time during hunting.

Does it effectively carry out its purpose?

The aim of a hunting blind is to ensure that you remain hidden from your prey during hunting. This is especially fundamental if you are hunting animals that have relatively good eyesight such as the turkey in this case.

It is the job of the hunting blind to ensure that your prey does not sense human movement in the vicinity, since this will definitely scare it away. How then would you feel if you spent money on a hunting blind only for the prey to easily spot you and run away?

To avoid this, then you definitely have to ensure that the turkey hunting blind you choose adequately serves its purpose. So ensure that you choose a hunting blind that is not so large since this makes it conspicuous. Remember that you are shopping for a hunting blind, not a tent.

It is not advisable to choose a hunting blind that has bright colors or colors that are easy to spot. Instead, you have to ensure that you choose a hunting blind that has colors that easily blend with your surrounding, hence ensuring camouflage.

Is it easy to carry?

Turkey hunting is an exercise that basically entails moving from location to location before finally settling on the perfect hunting spot. 

It would therefore be largely disadvantageous for you to choose a hunting blind that is really heavy since this makes it difficult to carry around.

Turkey hunting is already a tiresome process and therefore the last thing you need is to add to this fatigue by purchasing a hunting blind that is heavy to carry. Therefore ensure that the hunting blind you choose is light in weight.

Apart from the weight, you should also ensure that the carrier bag provided is effective and easy to use. 

Having a carrier bag with a shoulder strap is an upside since this makes your job so much easier. You not only have a light hunting blind but also a bag that helps you carry it easily.

Ensuring that the carrier bag provided adequately serves its purpose helps you avoid situations whereby the hunting blind fails to fit in the bag or maybe the zipper on the bag does not work. 

This is really unfortunate, but at the same time completely avoidable if you ensure the bag’s adequacy before purchasing it.

Is it noisy?

Once again, I reiterate that a core factor to having a successful hunt is the ability to remain silently hidden, so as to not alert the prey of your presence.

Silence, therefore, is paramount when it comes to turkey hunting. This, therefore, means that when searching for the best turkey hunting blind, you should ensure that you choose one that is not noisy.

What do we mean by noisy? We simply mean a hunting blind that is made of fabric which tends to get noisy maybe when the wind blows or when something comes into contact with the blind.

This noise can be really detrimental to your hunting spree since it alerts the turkey of your presence resulting in a non-successful hunting exercise. The question of noise also goes hand in hand with the question;

Is the hunting blind easy to set up and take down?

Having a hunting blind that is easy to set up and take down is really fundamental. Nobody wants a hunting blind that will have spent even up to thirty minutes trying to either set it up or take it down.

The hunting blind being complicated and difficult to set up will result in you being exhausted even before the hunting has begun. Another disadvantage of hunting blinds that are difficult to set up is the fact that they are noisy.

So there you are, struggling to set up your hunting blind, and in the process, the fabric and components of the blind are really noisy. This can only result in you scaring the turkey away, as earlier mentioned, as well as getting yourself exhausted for no reason.

When it comes to taking it down, the hunting has to be easy to take down. We have already established that turkey hunting is a tiresome exercise.

Therefore, when you are done and exhausted, the last thing you need is to struggle for thirty minutes or more trying to take down your hunting blind. You, therefore, want to ensure that you get a hunting chair that is swift to set up as well.

Is it durable?

When buying any commodity, you always want to ensure that it will last. This requirement still stands when you are shopping for the best and most suitable turkey hunting blind.

You, therefore, have to ensure that the hunting blind that you choose will be able to serve you for a long while, or at least for a number of hunting seasons.

How do you know whether or not a hunting blind is durable? Simply by looking at its components. A durable hunting blind consists of strong components, from the fabric to the poles that anchor it.

A hunting blind that is durable will have fabric that is very firmly woven as well as strong firm poles that support it. This is so as to ensure that the hunting blind is able to endure any kind of weather, making it easy to use in any climate.

Durable hunting blinds are those that are not easily destroyed by strong wind or heavy rains. Scenarios, where rain is dripping inside your hunting blind, should not occur.

You, therefore, have to make certain that your hunting blind is durable since it is every buyer’s dream to buy a commodity that adequately serves its purpose for a long time.

Is it made of good quality?

Quality goes hand in hand with durability. It would be really impossible to choose a turkey hunting blind that has poor quality and expect it to be durable. Good quality is therefore what makes a hunting blind durable.

A poor quality hunting blind is that which is made of unreliable components. Fabric that is not strongly woven and that easily tears as well as poles that do not anchor the hunting blind steadily.

The last thing you would want is to spend your money on a commodity that is of poor quality, therefore ensure that you consider the quality of your hunting blind when shopping for the best turkey hunting blind.

How is the price?

When it comes to the question of price, there are always two fundamental factors to consider. These are affordability and value for your money. 

On the question of affordability, you want to buy a hunting blind that is pocket friendly and comfortably within your budget. Nonetheless, if the hunting blind you want is expensive and out of your budget, you can always save for it.

In as far as value for your money is concerned, ensure that you avoid spending so much money on a hunting blind that has very lite to offer. By this, I simply mean that you should not spend a lot of money only to end up with a poor quality hunting blind.

Finding a hunting blind that gives you value for your money is therefore really fundamental.

Is it sturdy?

The last thing you need when you are out turkey hunting is a turkey hunting blind that is not sturdy. This is because it will result in you losing your concentration, worrying whether the blind will remain erected or give in and collapse on you.

It, therefore, goes without saying that having a hunting blind that is steady is paramount. An unsteady hunting blind is a blind that is easily shaken when the wind blows or when it rains.

It is also these unsteady hunting blinds that are noisy, the noise resulting from the fabric reacting to the wind. Hunting is an exercise that should be undertaken with a clear and relaxed mind and therefore anything that causes you to worry will result in poor results.

Turkey hunting will have you sitting for hours waiting for the turkey to answer your call, moving around your hunting blind and stretching because of sitting too long and carefully scanning your surroundings for the turkey.

You, therefore, have to ensure that you have a turkey hunting blind that is firm and steady, one that will not threaten to collapse as you move around and stretch your muscles before resuming the long wait.

The perfect turkey hunting blind is therefore that which is made of strong components and even stronger legs that firmly hold the blind in place and ensure it is sturdy.


 For you to get the best turkey hunting blind, then all the above factors have to be adhered to. According to me, the best turkey hunting blind is definitely the Barronett Radar Ground Blind.

This is a hunting blind that not only gives you value for your money but also ensures that it carries out its purpose very effectively. It will have you safely hidden in the bushes during your turkey hunting exercise.

This is because it is not too large, hence it will not draw any unnecessary attention, and it has a camouflage fabric hence ensuring that it easily blends with the surrounding. 

This, and the fact that it satisfies all the factors above, makes it the most suitable turkey hunting blind. Ensure that you get yours today!